Sunday, May 20, 2012

Imminent Televised Event: Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members - 2012!  3+ minute video

There are a total of 18  videos/audios in this series.
#1 Benjamin Fulford on Mass Arrests 3 minutes.
#2 Report on Trial held in Kula Lampur finding Bush and associates guilty of war crimes 3 minutes.
#3 is 1 hour 46 minute Drake audio.
#4 is David Wilcox and Drake March 29th  3 hours.
The next are a series broken up in 15 minute segments:
#5   13 minutes. 11-29-11  Part 8
#6   15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 7
#7   15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 6
#8   15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 5
#9   15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 4
#10 15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 3
#11 15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 2
#12 15 minutes  11-29-11  Part 1

#13  2 hours and 50 minutes  Drake  April 24, 2012
#14  1 hour 42 minutes           Drake  April 26, 2012
#15  2 hours 26 minutes         Drake  April 29, 2012
#16  1 hour 56 minutes           Bill Wood questions Drake  May3. 2012
#17  2 hours 34 minutes         Drake   May 6, 2012
#18  1 hour 26 minutes           Bill Wood and Eva  May 6, 2012


Anonymous said...

If all these arrests were really going to happen, wouldn't those who are being arrested know about it ? Wouldn't they just take their fortunes and leave ?

Anonymous said...

no shit lol what do you think they are trying to do?

Anonymous said...

The Galactic Federation of Light can track the cabalists down no matter where they go and give that information to their Earth allies in order to make the arrests. That's why them "knowing about it" is a moot point. There's nowhere they can run and hide, and thus nothing they can do. Their goose is cooked. They don't have to not know about this stuff because there's literally nothing they can do to stop it.