Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time for You To Do Something about the RV

Lets coordinate our thoughts to work together! Lets move this RV into our reality our physical world.  IF we let emotions of worry, that again, the RV didn't show, or what the mod said, didn't become a reality... and this brought you anger... or more delays

 made you feeling disappointed, you are building more of the same into your reality/Universe.  Lets re-create! Lets first thank our Creator for this blessing being COMPLETED...which it is. My Creator would not bring this to my doorstep then walk away.  

Create the scenario in our minds, going to the bank, visualizing our bank account with $$, this new blessing, and shaking hands with our banker, and walking out rejuvenated!  This is the emotion/thought we want and IT WILL effect our physical world and 

bring it to us! LETS DO IT!  Remember what HE said, "when 2 or more are gathered in MY name...."!(Lets join in unison and do this together at Noon, 4 and 8 Central time.)


Anonymous said...

I was just doing this! Yes! Picture it done.

Anonymous said...

May 5th, the night of the supermoon, millions around the world will be participating in a whold meditation/visualization of our earth. Please join us, the more people the more power!

Anonymous said...

this video is proof of the power of thought:

joe said...

The bible does say in last days the uselessness of millionaires? and the lord would take from the wicked and fill his house with prosperity.
It also says there will be a silicon chip implant called the mark of the beast ? Also he was going to sort out the sheep from the goats?
If any man preach any other gospel other than what was established on day of penticost let that man be accursed ..
On this rock I'll build my church , you will do exactly as I have been doing , healing,delivering,restoring, divine protection over angels,aliens,faiulse doctrines,religious men calling themselves christian but are not,
But remember money is the root cause and sauce of all evil? Mark of the beasty banks,tax collectors ,the western system is slavery,control,deceptive,dept,
In the beginning god created man and formed him from the dustof the ground , organic man ,
God created perfect foods,it is medicine,health,healing to body soul and spirit ,
Man changes nature GM food , doctors create toxic medicines, from petro chemicals it's wisdom from hell,the new new world should ban GM food and imprison doctors , rid the world of bankers,close down the military and pass a law saying it murder if kill in war ? bring in death penalty for CIA drug traffickers and doctors drug dealers and stop the gene -side of our kids?
Rid the world of coal,nuclear energy,petrol chemical fuels and by products ,eg doctors medicines that kill thousands yearly world wide ,

Anonymous said...

The love of money is the root of all evil..........the love of it