Friday, December 21, 2012




Since the children really are missing, and few (if any) died in what is obviously a wag the dog, It is extremely likely that the children were stolen and sold on the slave market. They had to go somewhere, and the people who most likely perpetrated this wag run the biggest slave trade center in the world. It just fits. If you are not aware of the sex slave trade and that little tribe, you should get informed on that topic.

This is my best guess at why a separate "Sheriff" was sent to guard every single parent of every child afterwards. The Sheriffs are not likely to be real sheriffs, they are more likely paid goon actors, and with such child slaves selling for well over $200,000 a pop, it's worth it to pay people to pose as sheriffs to give the first alert about any suspicions from parents. IT JUST FITS. IF THE SHOOTER IS DEAD, WHY ARE THE "SHERIFFS" NEEDED to guard every set of parents? How could they spare THAT MANY SHERIFFS, 20 sets of parents x 8 hour shift = 60 sheriffs needed. SHERIFFS, AN ELECTED POSITION, AS IN, ONLY A FEW EXIST, NOT DEPUTIES.

HA, THAT WOULD EXPLAIN WHY NONE OF THE PARENTS HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO SEE ANY BODIES. UP AND COMING - CLOSED (AND LOCKED) CASKET "FUNERALS" and UN IDENTIFIABLE CANS OF ASHES. The disgusting "every single one was a head shot" B.S. would make that a rational possibility - head shot = closed casket or creamation, X 20. No body ever actually seen.
It's a safe bet that any overly anxious parents will "commit suicide" or be vanished in silence.
I cannot track the following amazing list of inconsistencies to it's source, it's plastered all over the web. Take a look at this, which "Big Fan" dropped in my mailbox. Lots of other good stuff landed in my box and is posted after this list.
by Clare Kuehn
1) As yet, we have not seen any concrete evidence that any child died.
2) As yet, parents have not been allowed to see their children. (Photoshopped pictures do not count.)
3) As of now, I have seen only one unambiguous statement from a grieving parent (Robbie Parker).
4) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was found with his older brother’s ID, and it was not stolen. However, older brother Ryan–who officials say is very cooperative–claims not to have even seen his brother since 2010. Where would Adam get this ID? And why does such use not qualify as a theft?
5) According to the official story, Adam Lanza was wearing a black outfit with a mask and bulletproof vest. Why would he want to hide his identity, and why would he wear a bulletproof vest, if he planned to kill himself?
6) The medical examiner asserts that all wounds were caused by a rifle or other long weapon, and police/FBI say that the school was littered with .223 (rifle) casings. But Adam Lanza was found dead in the school with only handguns–a rifle was found in the trunk of his car. But then he could not possibly have been firing the rifle, and could not have committed the murders. Who did?
7) According to the official story, the killing was tightly confined to two classrooms. But then why were so many children told to close their eyes while leaving the building?
8 ) Joanne Didonato, the principal’s secretary, called in sick on Friday–something she rarely does. So presumably, she must have been awfully ill. Yet she then felt well enough to give an interview. “Of all days,” she said, emphasizing the strange coincidence.
9) The hospital went into lockdown and cleared four trauma rooms, but received only three patients, two of them dead children(according to the official story) and one mildly wounded adult.
10) Why were there such persistent reports that Mrs. Lanza was a kindergarten teacher, and that she died at the school, when the new official story is that she was not connected to the school and was killed at home?
11) What happened to the report that Adam Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend were missing in New Jersey?
12) What happened to the woodsman in a black jacket and camo pants who was arrested and handcuffed outside the school? He actually shouted to parents, “It wasn’t me.” Who was he and what was he doing there?
13) What happened to the dark van or SUV that the police surrounded in the parking lot, or the maroon sedan with a blown-out back window they were on the lookout for?
14) The official story is that Nancy Lanza was a gun collector who obeyed the law. But since 20-year-olds are not permitted to buy guns or ammo or carry guns in Connecticut, why would she give her “autistic” son access to both guns and ammo?
15) Why were parents told on Friday that “if you haven’t been reunited with your child by now it’s already over”? Does anyone imagine that real parents of real children would simply say, “Okay, the show’s over, let’s go home now”?
16) Would real parents of real children really be satisfied with (possibly photoshopped) pictures of their children? Wouldn’t they demand to see their children one last time firsthand?17) According to the official story, 28 people died but only 1 was wounded. The dead included 20 small, squirmy children–difficult targets even for professionals. How could Adam Lanza achieve such amazingly deadly accuracy, in such a short length of time?
18 ) A child asserts that he/she heard someone say, “Put your hands up,” followed by the reply, “Don’t shoot.” This indicates that the police took a suspect into custody inside the school. But if that was Adam Lanza, how did he kill himself after that point?
19) Another child asserts that he/she saw a man pinned down to the ground with handcuffs on. Again, this indicates that the police took a suspect into custody. If that was Adam Lanza, how did he then kill himself?
20) When Ryan Lanza was falsely identified as the shooter, who deleted his Facebook profile and created many others in his name?
21) Is it reasonable for a geeky 20-year-old to carry two pistols and hundreds of rounds of ammunition while wearing a bulletproof vest and a mask?
22) Why did the police say on Friday that they were going to leave the bodies rotting in the school until Sunday, then Saturday morning announce that they had spirited the bodies away in the middle of the night? Perhaps to ensure that the transport, if any, would go unrecorded on photos or video?
23) Why won’t police tell us where they found the Henry repeating rifle, the Enfield rifle, and the shotgun?
24) Did the school have one or more security cameras? What do they show?
25) Why did a police officer specifically mention, on radio, that “they’re coming at me through this wood,” followed by a fellow officer saying, “This is it”?
26) One officer in the school said, “We’ve got one suspect down.” Who was that? Down in this situation generally means in custody (on the ground and cuffed), not dead.
27) Why didn’t Adam’s uncle see anything out of the ordinary in Adam when the two saw each other in June?
28 ) Why is Adam Lanza reported to be a loner when a teenager said oxymoronically), “[Lanza and his friends] always gathered alone in a corner in school”?
29) Why did police assign an individual state trooper to every grieving family, whether the family wants such “protection” or not?
30) Why are Ryan Lanza and his roommates still in custody, and why are the police pretending that it’s for their own benefit?
31) Is it a coincidence that Nancy Lanza’s brother is Kingston Police Officer James Champion, who lives next door to the former Lanza home?
32) Since the alleged shooter’s father is VP of GE Capital, and (like “Batman shooter” James Holmes’s father) was scheduled to testify at the Senate Hearings on the LIBOR scandal, is there a LIBOR connection to this event?"
Name withheld, for his safety:
I live about 30 minutes from newtown, ct and was thinking about heading up there to see things for myself. Any suggestions or things you think i should check out or look into? You have a good mind for these things, so let me know if you have anything specific i should look at.
My response:
With that many bullets there should be shot out windows. No shot out windows equals no school shooting. Get a super powerful flashlight and make sure there are no police and look in the windows if none are shot out anywhere if possible, just before sunrise when you still cannot see very well outside, at 5:30 AM, or maybe 6 AM, shortly before the staff is supposed to arrive. This will alleviate suspicion and conceal you at a time when no one will suspect a crook. If you can't look in all the classrooms from the outside, then -
Block the door locks on ONE door at the school during the day (when I was a kid, we would tape them and that would stop them from latching right, and this will vary from school to school.) Get in there at night and look for a shot up classroom. Be prepared, have superb flashlights, etc and get in and out in a minute thirty. That's my only suggestion, other than that you will hit a wall of lies. And if you get caught, well, I don't think "they" will understand. But I'd try it if I was there. If there are any questions by people other than the police, just tell them you were assigned as an investigator. Be polite and say nothing more, not by who, when or anything, just that you were assigned. did a shadow analysis, and sent it to my mailbox.

This is real good. It took me a while to understand what is going on with what he sent (how to interpret the images). The first image is of a cop at the scene at 10 AM. The second image shows a satellite rendering of a real picture of the site, with a "you punch in the time and date, and it will show you where the shadow is supposed to be at that time feature", and he selected 10 AM, so the second picture shows you where the shadow should have been if the picture of the cop was as stated. The rest of the links just show other variations of the time, and there are a few mistakes (missing time) on some of them, but you will understand if you click through them all. I don't have time to build the links, so copy paste.
"Jim, great stuff you do. We'll all be cheering soon. Here is a shadow analysis I just did. Step through it (1 - 7 images) as it's self-explanitory. You only get to see the 2 times of day in the last 2 images. I chose 10:00 AM for the time of the photo and used both Google Earth and SketchUp. The photo is a still from the beginning of that video where a cop meanders toward 2 shooters heading into the woods, north of the school.
Yeah, I think the shadows say this scene happened either later on the 14th or maybe the day prior. It sure as hell wasn't 10:00AM!
Have at it!
Rainer sent the following bombshell:
"A source employed in the school in question is being told to not talk to anyone about what they know.
They sent the live feed to a news reporter at the neighbor where the kid lived. The reporter states, "The neighbors said that around 9:15am they saw police surrounding the 'kids' house and taping off the neighborhood and telling everyone to evacuate". Did you catch that? 9:15am!
The shootings were reported around 10-10:30am. The police DID NOT supposedly learn the identity of the shooter until between 11-11:30am. YET, they are surrounding and taping off the neighborhood of the 'kid' at 9:15am well before the shootings took place. They were at the house before the shootings took place."
My response: They were careful with Aurora, Looks like sloppy work here.
"Sandy Hook Research ..... Teachers listed as Victims NOT on School Website as Faculty. Screen shots/proof- Cameras are IN Newtown Schools - Document "
Stacey sent this to the Jimstonefreelance box:
Hello James,
I came across your site-great stuff and I couldn't agree more. I wanted to bring up some key notes that maybe you could shine some light on for me or just discuss with me.
In the beginning (at least as soon I read about it which was that same afternoon but pacific time) they had identified the bodies of the "shooter" and his mother before the body identifying process even STARTED! Right away they knew their names, occupations, "health issues", marital status and residency.
Another point-The fact that they screwed up the "shooters" name with his alleged "brother". Ok, you look in all the articles regarding Ryan Lanza's statements, he says that he has not had contact with his brother Adam in 2 years (since 2012) so HOW THE HELL did "Adam" get a hold of Ryans ID? HMM? Good point, right?
I know I am not the only one asking 21+ questions about this day and the events that took place. Those aerial photos of the elementary school were all different. Why ARENT they releasing any sort of photos from inside the school? There is proof they has a video surveillance system set up, where that footage? Why are the shooters always dressed in military like apparel? Even the guy or 2 they chased down in the forest nearby were wearing military-like clothing which we quickly stopped hearing about.
Let me say one thing, I am REALLY good at finding things…its just a random skill I have. I have searched everyday everywhere online for Adam Lanza, Nancy, Ryan and Peter….NO social media pages for any (except a supposed LinkedIn profile of Peter), and yet the main photo and others of Nancy Lanza were found via Facebook….if she WAS on Facebook then HOW and WHO removed her page? I cannot find anyone of them not even the alleged SISTER "in law" Marsha Lanza.
James Holmes birthday - December 13, the day before the school shootings. Are you familiar with the Illuminati and their symbolism in numeracy? CONNECTICUT=11 letters. The day it happened 12-14-12 = 11!
I believed you mentioned some of the children victims were allegedly actors? I'm trying to find any sort of articles on this and I cannot.
Thanks for reading hope to hear back,
My response:
I guess the front page will have to do -
I am not certain about how it works, but numerology is part of the equation. I don't really get into it, but I know they do so I will mention it.
As far as the child actors, it was a parent acting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The children are missing???? are you kidding me?? The children are dead!!!!
The children are being BURIED!!! this is too much, even for me and I believe this people are evil and will stop at nothing to get rid of our guns but c'mon!! I don't know who really killed the kids and adults but they are dead! The fact that somehow Holmes father and Lanza's father are both implicated in the LIBOR scandal is a clue something else is going on but please...respect the parents and families, they are innocent and victims of this evil system. God only knows what really happened .....another 911 situation???? very possible.