Sunday, December 9, 2012

Snow.....This is breathtaking.....I'm in the 7%

Greetings of wonderment to each one of you:  I get this every year about Christmas time.  From someone.  Oh, it often arrives with a change or two in verse or picture, but it arrives.  And that means a lot to me because I change, too.  And I know how I think about myself and the World I play in changes, too.  But most of all what it speaks to me is that I still matter to someone out there in my little sphere of influence.  Someone cares for me other than God and the Angels.  I'm blessed with a loving, diverse group of friends and family.  And for each one of you - thank you for being exactly who you are.  As we go forth this holiday season spend time with those who matter to you not money.  Rekindle the bonds that help us thrive as human beings. Maintain a playful spirit.  Love what you are doing in this life - or do something else.  

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