Monday, December 10, 2012

The Most Astounding Fact --- AWESOME!


Anonymous said...

strange but TRUE!!

Jay W said...

another example of pure bs, the only question we need to answer has nothing to do with this cosmic bullshit,Why corruption, who corruption, why fereral reserve bank , who federal reserve bank ,
Why does federal reserve bank continue, who allows federal reserve bank, this is actually one question answer it , eliminate the culprits
End this cosmic Bullshit already, no confusion, answer one question,
Eliminate all problems..........enough of the Bullshit already !

Anonymous said...

JayW is right on. The Fed is the main tool of the Beast. Turn off their counterfeiting scam.

Anonymous said...

The main tool of the beast is the egomaniacs with guns and badges that will shoot you when their told. Sometimes just for fun. The big guys would not be the big guys if it weren't for your neighbors,and relatives that work for these bastards!!!!!! That includes the military!!!!!