Wednesday, July 6, 2016

FBI investigator makes statement on Hillary's email scandal

FBI investigator makes statement 
on Hillary's email scandal


Anonymous said...

Bottom line folks, Trump needs to get in there and we have to see to it he succeeds!!

"But Trump isn't that great a candidate. I don't feel I can trust this."
Well guess what folks, you're the ones who are registered voters. Trump may not be an ideal candidate but at least he's a good candidate, something no one has had for a generation.

"But Trump seems very loud...I don't know what he can change."
Yep but guess what?!?? Trump will prosecute Clinton and Bush!! That's a start, that and going after the Gore's and other democrats will put the Federal Reserve into tatters!

"I just don't see the big picture here...He makes it so partisan."
Well guess what folks, it is partisan!! The Democratic Party and DNC are a hundred percent behind the New World Order agenda!

Democrats run the scam with corporate welfare for the rich and social welfare for the poor. They have perfected it with the use of so many nasty, crooked former democrats like Colin Powell and Bill Frist that now there is total civil war all over.

If the Democrats who created Bush, Albright, Johnson, Sanders, Clinton and the rest of the war criminals are not stopped....Then you and all of your futures are literally done for..

Trump being one of us can slow them down and cancel NAFTA...They MUST be stopped and castrated or our world is toast. Israel will also be finished, which is why AIPAC has swung america's way...

He's not ideal I hear you say. Well, you are a registered voter. What does that make you? Not ideal. As much as many of my friends are in support of Trump, they won't register to be a voter. That is a slave designation and puts you on a destruction list, so instead they are just getting everyone who is one to vote!

Listen up folks this war is real and Paul Ryan will be gone by the primaries. Some of these carpet baggers who have never been GOP will be gone, once they see opposing Clinton is mandatory!

Anonymous said...

LOL....that's a good one! :)))))

Anonymous said...

The only problem with Trump getting in there is, that it will still be the same "there!" Unless and until we get our Republic back it will still be the same, there; THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. However if we do not get our Republic back Trump would, at least, be the better option.

Anonymous said...

It is a lot better option, you're correct...

So everyone who is a registered voter vote Trump!!

There are many who are not registered and are thinking about registering to advice to them is only half of those should vote, for the rest stay out of the fire..!!

Registering to vote turns you folks into a Federal Citizen, and there is no way in hell you want that target on your back. No matter who it is.

Unknown said...

The republicans are just as much scum as the democrats. What have they done in the last 8 years for us in congress? Not much. They are all in the same bed together.

Anonymous said...

Well they held many people in contempt of congress...

Other then that they have not done their jobs and have too many RINOs to do their jobs, which the Americans allowed.

Anonymous said...

Voters usurp the USG, infiltrate, devibrate its parasitical aspects and make it work for our nation, the loving, creative and free-spirited people of America. Vote.

Anonymous said...

agree that not everyone who is not a registered voter should register...

when trump wins, if the security establishment sees you voted for him no matter what you go on a red list.

they will then come at a certain point to kill every single voter who voted, and many of them will get killed in the process. lets hope the trump administration sets up tons of firewalls for the people!!